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  https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-140x40-t.gif
EmptyPlugin https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/EmptyPlugin Empty TWiki Plugin Introduction This is an empty plugin. Use it as a template to build your own .TWikiPlugins. This plugin does nothing, but is ready to be extended... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-09-18T00:16:11Z TWikiContributor SearchHelp https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/SearchHelp Search Help Search Pages There are two search pages; WebSearch offers basic search features, while WebSearchAdvanced offers more control over searches. By default... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-05-15T01:02:39Z TWikiContributor VarWEBPREFSTOPIC https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarWEBPREFSTOPIC WEBPREFSTOPIC name of web preferences topic Syntax: % WEBPREFSTOPIC% Expands to: , renders as Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2014-12-16T02:37:42Z TWikiContributor VarJQTABPANE https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarJQTABPANE JQTABPANE start a JQuery tab pane Create nice looking horizontal tab panes in TWiki topics. Write a sequence of % JQTAB{`...` and % JQENDTAB% pairs, and enclose... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2014-11-14T23:26:41Z TWikiContributor TWikiFormDotPm https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFormDotPm Package TWiki::Form Object representing a single form definition. Form definitions are mainly used to control rendering of a form for editing, though there is some... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2014-10-05T11:03:28Z TWikiContributor TWikiStoreSearchAlgorithmsPurePerlDotPm https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiStoreSearchAlgorithmsPurePerlDotPm Package TWiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::PurePerl Pure perl implementation of the RCS cache search. StaticMethod search ($searchString,$topics,$options,$sDir)... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z TWikiContributor TWikiRequestDotPm https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiRequestDotPm Package TWiki::Request Class to encapsulate request data. Fields: action action requested (view, edit, save, ...) cookies hashref whose keys are cookie... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z TWikiContributor UserForm https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/UserForm User Form Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki administrator. This form defines the form of the user profile pages of registered TWiki users listed... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-12T01:54:42Z TWikiContributor VarBB3 https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarBB3 BB3 level 3 bullet with line break Line break and bullet, level 3. Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % BB3% Expands... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-02T21:27:09Z TWikiContributor InstantEnhancements https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/InstantEnhancements Instant TWiki Site Enhancements These quick enhancements are aimed at improving and customising your TWiki. New TWiki site administrators are especially encouraged... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-09-25T19:36:57Z TWikiContributor VarNOTIFYTOPIC https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarNOTIFYTOPIC NOTIFYTOPIC name of the notify topic Note: Each web has a notify topic Syntax: % NOTIFYTOPIC% Expands to: , renders as Category: SystemInformationVariabl... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-09-20T08:03:22Z TWikiContributor VarEXAMPLEVAR https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarEXAMPLEVAR EXAMPLEVAR example variable The % EXAMPLEVAR{ variable is handled by the EmptyPlugin Syntax: % EXAMPLEVAR{`text` format `...` Parameter text `... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-15T09:41:23Z TWikiContributor VarPUBURLPATH https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarPUBURLPATH PUBURLPATH the base URL path of attachments Syntax: % PUBURLPATH% Expands to: Category: AttachmentsAndFilesVariables, SystemInformationVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-15T05:59:51Z TWikiContributor VarORANGE https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarORANGE ORANGE start orange colored text ORANGE is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-15T05:56:47Z TWikiContributor VarCOMMENT https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarCOMMENT COMMENT{ attributes } insert an edit box into the topic to easily add comments. A % COMMENT% without parameters shows a simple text box. A % COMMENT... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-12T07:00:05Z TWikiContributor HierarchicalNavigation https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/HierarchicalNavigation Hierarchical Navigation Navigation block that displays the current topic, its parent and children (if any). This is intended to be included in other topics, for... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2010-09-12T08:14:02Z TWikiContributor
TWikiFuncDotPm https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFuncDotPm Package TWiki::Func Official list of stable TWiki functions for Plugin developers This module defines official functions that TWiki plugins can use to interact... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-11-29T10:27:03Z TWikiContributor SpreadSheetPluginTestCases https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/SpreadSheetPluginTestCases SpreadSheetPlugin Testing Use this topic to verify proper operation of the SpreadSheetPlugin in your environment. For developers: This topic is included by TestCaseAutoSpreadSheetPlu... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-06-07T08:11:38Z TWikiContributor WelcomeGuest https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/WelcomeGuest Welcome, ! Welcome to TWiki! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee kee site ), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using any web... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2014-12-23T20:46:31Z TWikiContributor VarEDITFORMFIELD https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarEDITFORMFIELD EDITFORMFIELD{`fieldname` form ``} render an input field specified in a form template topic Use this to create HTML forms that update TWikiForms, such as a... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-12-21T07:45:15Z TWikiContributor TWikiUIMdrepoUIDotPm https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUIMdrepoUIDotPm Package TWiki::UI::MdrepoUI UI delegate for mdrepo function StaticMethod mdrepo ($session); (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z TWikiContributor TWikiSiteTools https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiSiteTools TWiki Site Tools Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity TWiki Site Tools include utilities for navigating, searching and keeping up with... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-13T10:29:54Z TWikiContributor VarHOMETOPIC https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarHOMETOPIC HOMETOPIC home topic in each web Note: Each web has a home topic Syntax: % HOMETOPIC% Expands to: , renders as Category: SystemInformationVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-09-20T08:03:13Z TWikiContributor TWikiDocumentation https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiDocumentation TWiki Reference Manual () This page contains all documentation topics as one long, complete reference sheet. Related Topics: TWikiSite, TWikiHistory, TWikiEnhancementRequests... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-08-30T00:07:32Z TWikiContributor ManagingWebs https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/ManagingWebs Managing Webs Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web based operations. Overview A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one workspace, one... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-03-05T08:54:06Z TWikiContributor IncludeTopicRaw https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/IncludeTopicRaw INCLUDE a topic in the raw When a topic is included, normally TWiki variables in the included topic are expanded in the context of the inlcluded topic. But if raw... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-12-27T09:03:11Z TWikiContributor VarBASEWEB https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarBASEWEB BASEWEB base web where an INCLUDE started The web name where the includes started, e.g. the web of the first topic of nested includes. Same as % WEB% in case... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-12-06T07:04:16Z TWikiContributor VarQUERYSTRING https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarQUERYSTRING QUERYSTRING full, unprocessed string of parameters to this URL String of all the URL parameters that were on the URL used to get to the current page. For example... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-15T06:02:42Z TWikiContributor VarENDSECTION https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarENDSECTION ENDSECTION{`name`} marks the end of a named section within a topic Syntax: % ENDSECTION{`name` Syntax: % ENDSECTION{type `include` Syntax: % ENDSECTION... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-12T08:21:27Z TWikiContributor VarALLVARIABLES https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/VarALLVARIABLES ALLVARIABLES list of currently defined TWikiVariables Syntax: % ALLVARIABLES% Expands to: a table showing all defined TWikiVariables in the current context... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-12T06:32:32Z TWikiContributor DatabaseAndFormsVariables https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/DatabaseAndFormsVariables (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-11T09:07:03Z TWikiContributor UIAndVisualizationVariables https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/UIAndVisualizationVariables (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-11T09:07:03Z TWikiContributor
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