20% Rabatt für TeilnehmerInnen der XP Days

Dieser Workshop ist nicht Teil der XP Days, sondern bedarf separater Anmeldung und Bezahlung. Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen der XP Days erhalten 20% Rabatt auf die Teilnehmergebühr bei Anmeldung bis zum 1. November 2015.

Die Anmeldung erfolgt über die andrena-Website:

Zur Anmeldung auf andrena.de

Intended Audience

Participants should be familiar with the basic principles of TDD (test-driven development) and willing to challenge their current way of programming and software design. Participants should be able to read Java code, but are invited to use language and IDE of their choice for the practical exercises. Please bring a laptop with installed (and working) IDE!

The workshop will be held in English. Johannes Link will be able to answer and translate your questions in German, but you should feel comfortable enough to follow along in English for the most part.

What you will learn

Expect to refresh the basics of TDD from a different angle. Experience how others tackle the inherent intricacies of software development:

Workshop Description

The workshop will consist of a constant change between short presentations, programming demonstrations, practical programming exercises and lots of time for discussion. You will have the chance to learn some principles, try to apply them, see how experience programmers to do it, and ask all your most difficult questions. You will spend at least 50% of the time learning by doing.The specific topics that we discuss will depend on the participants and their questions, but they willcertainly include:

J. B. Rainsberger

J. B. (Joe) Rainsberger is one of the “second wave” of TDD practitioners: he learned directly from the pioneers of the field. His book, JUnit Recipes, was the standard for over a decade for Java programmers who wanted to do what we today call developer testing or programmer testing. He has taught thousands of programmers around the world to bring high discipline to their work for well over a decade.

Not “just a programmer”, J. B. has taught people how to manage the never-ending onslaught of work, figure out how to adopt new working practices chaos-free, understand and even grow to respect their most annoying co-workers, find the time and energy to improve as though finding loose change in the couch cushions, turn their dreary day job into a Dream Job–even how he enjoyed his first retirement from age 34 to 40! Software, life. Agile, not Agile. He’s up for anything.

Read his work at jbrains.ca and blog.thecodewhisperer.com!

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Johannes Link​ has been active in the field of test­-driven and agile development for over 15 years. He is author of three books on the topic and spent most of his career trying to find out and raise the quality of his own and other people’s software. You can find out more about Johannes on his website and following him on Twitter.

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